Erreur de requ�te SQL : Invalid SQL: SELECT a.*, AS relevance, AS relevance2 FROM `position` p INNER JOIN article a USING (artid) JOIN article_description AS ad ON (ad.artid=a.artid) JOIN categorie c ON (p.catid = c.catid) WHERE activeV1FR='1' AND c.visible_treeviewV1FR='1' AND (MATCH(a.libelleFR, a.titre2FR, ad.descriptionFR) AGAINST ('é é' IN BOOLEAN MODE) OR a.titre2FR LIKE '%é%' OR ad.descriptionFR LIKE '%é%' OR a.artcode LIKE '%é%' OR a.reference_fabricant LIKE '%é%' OR a.titre2FR LIKE '%é%' OR ad.descriptionFR LIKE '%é%' OR a.artcode LIKE '%é%' OR a.reference_fabricant LIKE '%é%' ) GROUP BY a.artid ORDER BY relevance DESC, relevance2 DESC,c.position, p.position ASC D�tail : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AS relevance, AS relevance2 FROM `position` p ' at line 2 Num�ro : 1064